{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module function.isomorphism.properties where

open import level
open import sum
open import sets.nat.core
open import equality.core
open import equality.calculus
open import equality.reasoning
open import function.isomorphism.core
open import function.isomorphism.coherent
open import hott.hlevel.core

  module Dummy {i j}{X : Set i}{Y : Set j}
               (isom' : X ≅' Y) where
      isom : X  Y
      isom = proj₁ isom'

      γ : coherent isom
      γ = proj₂ isom'

    open _≅_ isom
    open ≡-Reasoning

    iso'≡ : {x x' : X}  (x  x')  (to x  to x')
    iso'≡ {x}{x'} = iso u v H K
        u :  {x x'}  x  x'  to x  to x'
        u = cong to

        v :  {x x'}  to x  to x'  x  x'
        v {x}{x'} q = iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q  iso₁ x'

        H :  {x x'} (p : x  x')  v (u p)  p
        H {x}{.x} refl =
            cong  α  α  (iso₁ x)) (left-unit (sym (iso₁ x)))
           right-inverse (iso₁ x)

        K' :  {x y}(q : to x  y)
           cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q)  q  iso₂ y ⁻¹
        K' {x} refl = begin
            cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  refl)
          ≡⟨ cong (cong to) (left-unit (iso₁ x ⁻¹)) 
            cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹)
          ≡⟨ cong-inv to (iso₁ x) 
            cong to (iso₁ x) ⁻¹
          ≡⟨ cong _⁻¹ (γ x) 
            iso₂ (to x) ⁻¹
          ≡⟨ refl 
            refl  iso₂ (to x) ⁻¹

        K : (q : to x  to x')
           cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q  iso₁ x')  q
        K q = begin
            cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q  iso₁ x')
          ≡⟨ cong-map-hom to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q) (iso₁ x') 
            cong to (iso₁ x ⁻¹  cong from q)  cong to (iso₁ x')
          ≡⟨ cong₂ _⊚_ (K' q) (γ x') 
            q  iso₂ (to x') ⁻¹  iso₂ (to x')
          ≡⟨ lem q _ 
            lem :  {i}{X : Set i} {x y z : X}
                 (p : x  y)
                 (q : z  y)
                 p  q ⁻¹  q  p
            lem refl q = right-inverse q
open Dummy public

iso≡ :  {i j}{X : Set i}{Y : Set j}
      (isom : X  Y)
      {x x' : X}
      (x  x')
      (apply isom x  apply isom x')
iso≡ isom = iso'≡ (≅⇒≅' isom)

-- lifting is an isomorphism
lift-iso :  {i} j (X : Set i)  X   j X
lift-iso j X = iso lift lower  _  refl)  _  refl)