{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module equality.reasoning where

open import equality.core

module ≡-Reasoning {i} {X : Set i} where
  infix  4 _IsRelatedTo_
  infix  2 _∎
  infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_
  infix  1 begin_

  -- This seemingly unnecessary type is used to make it possible to
  -- infer arguments even if the underlying equality evaluates.

  data _IsRelatedTo_ (x y : X) : Set i where
    relTo : x  y  x IsRelatedTo y

  begin_ :  {x y}  x IsRelatedTo y  x  y
  begin relTo p = p

  _≡⟨_⟩_ :  x {y z}  x  y  y IsRelatedTo z  x IsRelatedTo z
  _ ≡⟨ p  relTo q = relTo (p · q)

  _∎ :  x  x IsRelatedTo x
  _∎ _ = relTo refl